- Doctor Dr. Deepak Vaidya
- Surgery Lasik
- Date April 27, 2018

Vision Correction can be done with Lasik and Wavefront Laser technologies. They are used to correct refractive errors, thus, minimizing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. It can correct more common vision defects: myopia, hypermetropia and astigmatism (cylindrical vision). It can correct even very minute aberrations of the eye. For the Best Lasik Eye Surgery in Mumbai visit Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital, Andheri West.
The functioning of the eye
In a normally functioning eye, light rays entering the eye are focused by the cornea and the lens of the eye. The light rays are focused onto the retina, at the back of the eye. The image is formed on the retina, which then transfers it to the brain.
In case of myopic, hypermetropic or astigmatic people, light rays do not get focused onto the retina. Therefore, creating blurry images and unclear vision.
Types of Refractive Errors:
Myopia (Short Sightedness):
When the eye is too long, the light rays get focused in front of the retina. It means that vision for close-by areas is at ease, but far-sighted objects cannot be seen clearly.
Hypermetropia (Far Sightedness):
When the eye is too short, the light rays get focused behind the retina. It means that objects close by cannot be viewed at ease, but the far away areas are visible.
It is an irregularity in the shape of the cornea. It occurs when the light rays focus on more than one point. Due to this a blurred image is formed on the retina distorting both distant and near vision.
Lasik Treatment Options
This is the most common solution to correct refractive errors. It is because of its ease of maintenance. It has its limitations, like, reduced peripheral vision and interference with day-to-day activities.
Contact Lens:
Contact lenses are an alternative to spectacles. They provide excellent peripheral vision. The limitations of contact lenses are recurring cost, its maintenance and the possibility of infection.
Corrections with Lasik:
It is the most modern surgical procedure for correcting vision. It is the most convenient form too as it doesn’t hinder any routine activities or cause infections.
Wavefront Assisted Customized Lasik:
It is a new laser vision correction technique. It not only corrects refractive errors but also removes tiny aberrations of the eye. Additionally, it reduces night vision problems and improves the quality of vision.
Corrections with Lasik
Lasik, or Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis, is the most modern surgical procedure for correcting vision. It corrects vision by altering the refractive power of the eye. This is done when the curvature of the cornea is reshaped by using a laser.
For the procedure, the person should over 18 years of age. They should have had a stable spectacle power for over a year. They shouldn’t be suffering from any other eye disorders like cataracts, glaucoma or any retinal disorders. Any people who wear contact lenses should stop doing so for a week.
Wave front Assisted Customized Lasik
Wave front-assisted customized Lasik is a new laser vision correction technique. It does not only correct refractive errors but also removes tiny aberrations of the eye. Additionally, it reduces night vision problems and improves the quality of vision.
SMILE Laser Eye Surgery
SMILE that stands for “Small Incision Lenticule Extraction” and is the latest advancement in laser vision correction. SMILE is a minimally invasive procedure. During the procedure, will use computer-guided, highly focused laser light to cut a tiny incision in the cornea and will use it to remove a small piece of corneal tissue (called a lenticular). This is going to reshape the cornea and corrects your vision.
Alternatives to Lasik
- Phakic intraocular lens
- Clear lens extraction (Refractive lens exchange)
- Astigmatic cataract surgery
- Multifocal lenses
Looking for the best Lasik Eye Surgery in Mumbai? book your appointment today with Dr. Harshit Vaidya at Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital in Andheri West, Mumbai.
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