Dr. Harshit Vaidya - Retina Specialist in Mumbai
Dr. Harshit Vaidya is a trained Eye surgeon and Best Retina specialist in Mumbai.
He has undergone his residency and fellowship training in Vitreo-Retinal diseases from India’s finest eye institute, Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai. He has also undergone a short training at San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy under Professor Giuseppe Querques.
Dr. Harshit Vaidya specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetic retinopathy, retinal detachment, ARMD, and other complex conditions of the retina and eye. He has a penchant for solving complex retinal disorders which have been given up by others. He is proficient in Vitreo-retinal surgeries like Vitrectomy and scleral buckling. He has a plethora of experience in retinal lasers and Intravitreal injections.
Dr. Harshit Vaidya has presented posters and papers at various national and international conferences including the World Ophthalmology Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico; Asia Pacific Association of Ophthalmology Congress, Bangkok, Thailand; EURETINA, Paris, France; EURETINA Hamburg Germany; Asia Pacific Association of Ophthalmology Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; All India Ophthalmic Congress, Kolkata, India among many others.
He has a keen interest in macular disorders, particularly type 3 neovascularization; and newer OCT findings. He is proficient in retinal surgeries for retinal detachment, SFIOLs, and diabetic vitrectomies.

Dr. Harshit Vaidya has a good record of successful surgeries and treatments of complex cases and is the Best Retina specialist in Mumbai. His core belief is in providing eye care not just through competence and knowledge but also through compassion and care. He is dedicated to providing the best possible care to his patients and strives to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field of ophthalmology. He is a member of the Indian Ophthalmological Society. He is also an active participant in various conferences and seminars related to ophthalmology.
What are the common diseases of the Retina ?
Retinal Tear: Retina tear can occur when your vitreous changes texture with age and pulls on your retina, tearing a small piece of it away from the back of your eye.
Tears may occur as a result of trauma or the aging process. A retinal tear might cause blurry vision, flashes of light, or seeing floaters.
A retinal tear requires immediate treatment since tears may lead to retinal detachment. A retinal detachment, on the other hand, is a considerably more serious condition that will impair your eyesight.
Retinal Detachment: This condition occurs when there is an accumulation of fluid that penetrates the retina via a tear. The fluid accumulation causes the retina to separate from the eye layer that supplies nutrition and oxygen to your eye. A retinal detachment is a medical emergency that may result in an irreversible visual loss if not treated as soon as possible.
Retinopathy: develops when the blood vessels at the rear of your eye get damaged. Fluid leaks as a result of the injury. When the fluid builds up, it may damage the retina and cause visual problems. This may be caused by a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, hypertension, and other inflammatory conditions. Diabetic retinopathy is a frequent consequence of diabetes and is one of the primary causes of adult blindness.
Age-related macular degeneration: This condition is common in older adults hence the name age-related macular degeneration. This occurs when the macula deteriorates, resulting in distorted centre vision. This may deteriorate over time and result in irreversible visual loss.
Retinal Vein Occlusion: Also known as an eye stroke, this condition is a blood vessel abnormality in which branches of the retinal vein allow blood and fluid to spill onto the retina. The obstruction reduces circulation in the eye, causing nerve cells to die and, as a result, visual loss.
Macular Edema: This is a condition that occurs when fluid accumulates in the macula, causing it to enlarge. Macular edema may be caused by a variety of disorders, including diabetes, hypertension, and even after cataract surgery.
Epiretinal Membranes (ERMs): bare scar tissue that forms on the inner surface of the retina as a result of an accident or medical condition. Unless they impact the centre of the retina or the macula, EMRs seldom produce symptoms. These regions are important for recognizing visual elements and details. If EMRs create symptoms, you may detect distortion in your centre vision.
Macula Holes– A macula hole, like a retina tear, indicates a minor break in the macula. These arise when the retina and vitreous pull together. These holes are prevalent with age, although they may also occur as a result of trauma.
Retinitis – is an inflammation of the retina caused by bacteria or viruses. Retinitis may be caused by syphilis, dengue fever, and Lyme disease, as well as autoimmune disorders such as lupus.
Retinitis pigmentosa is a degenerative hereditary disorder that causes the retina cells to break down. This is an uncommon disorder that may result in eyesight loss.
Retinoblastoma, or retinal cancer– is the most frequent kind of eye cancer in children and newborns. One main symptom is a lack of red reflex in the pupil when a photo is taken of the child.
If you experience any of the above eye problems, book your appointment with Dr. Harshit Vaidya who is the Best Retina specialist in Mumbai.
What are the common symptoms indicating retina problems?
- Vision changes.
- Loss of vision in certain areas or blurry vision.
- Suddenly seeing floaters.
- Seeing flashes of light.
- Having difficulty seeing at night.
- Having difficulty adapting to changes in lighting.
- Color perception changes.
- Peripheral or central vision impairment.
- Suddenly losing sight.
- Curtain falling in front of the eye
- Distortion of letters while reading
What is the diagnosis method for Retinal damage?
Dr. Harshit Vaidya Retina specialist in Mumbai will do a complete eye exam and search for abnormalities anywhere in the eye to establish a diagnosis. The dilated eye examination with indirect ophthalmoscopy will pick up retinal damage which your retina specialist will investigate further if needed.
To assess the location and severity of the condition, the following tests may be performed:
- Amsler grid test– An Amsler grid may be used by your doctor to assess the clarity of your central vision.
- Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)– This test is an effective noninvasive approach for acquiring accurate pictures of the retina in order to detect epiretinal membranes, macular holes, and macular swelling (edema), as well as to monitor the amount of age-related wet macular degeneration and treatment responses.
- Fundus autofluorescence (FAF)– FAF may be used to track the progression of retinal illnesses such as macular degeneration. FAF focuses on a retinal pigment (lipofuscin) that rises in the presence of retinal injury or malfunction.
Fluorescein angiography-A dye is used in this test to make blood vessels in the retina visible under a particular light. This allows for the precise identification of closed blood vessels, leaking blood vessels, new abnormal blood vessels, and subtle changes in the back of the eye. - Indocyanine green angiography– This test employs a dye that illuminates when exposed to infrared light. The images produced reveal retinal blood vessels as well as deeper, more difficult-to-see blood vessels beneath the retina in a region known as the choroid.
- Ultrasound– Ultrasonography (high-frequency sound waves) is used in this examination to help visualize the retina and other structures in the eye. It may also detect certain tissue properties that aid in the identification and treatment of eye cancers.
- MRI and CT scans – In rare cases, these imaging technologies may be utilized to aid in the diagnosis of eye injuries or malignancies.
What is a Retina surgery?
Retina is the thin tissue layer at the extreme back of the eye wall. Retina surgery may be required to treat a variety of conditions that affect the retina. These conditions can include retinal tears, retinal detachment, macular holes, macular pucker, vitreomacular traction, and diabetic retinopathy. Damage to any area of the retina may cause retina-related illnesses or retinal disorders. They generally manifest as a hindrance to normal vision.
What are the various treatment options for retinal detachment done by a Dr. Harshit Vaidya Retina specialist in Mumbai?
Laser Retina Surgery
Laser retina repair, also called laser photocoagulation, is used to repair a retinal tear. A laser is directed at the area around the retinal tear, creating a specific burn that binds the retina to underlying tissue. This stops additional tearing as well as vitreous fluid from leaking behind the retina and causing a retinal detachment.
Pneumatic Retinopexy is a procedure used to cure retinal detachment. A gas bubble is pumped into the eye during this treatment. This bubble compresses the detached retina, forcing it against the underlying tissue. The detached retina is then sealed in place via laser retina repair.
Scleral Buckle
In this procedure, the eye is indented to push the supporting tissue back up against the detached retina. This also lowers retinal strain induced by adhesion to the vitreous gel—the transparent liquid in the eye.
Vitrectomy, where small needle-sized surgical instruments are inserted into the eye through the sclera (the white of the eye). These instruments remove the vitreous gel that fills the inside of the eye, along with any scar tissue pulling on the retina. Laser surgery or cryopexy is then applied to “weld” the retina in place. A supportive bubble of gas or silicone oil (like a cast on a broken limb) may be injected at the end of the surgery to temporarily replace the vitreous while the eye heals. The gas reabsorbs in the weeks following surgery, as the eye produces its own fluid to replace the excised vitreous gel. If silicone oil is used, an additional surgery will be necessary to remove it from the eye.
What are intravitreal injections?
Intravitreal injections are injections administered into the back of your eye into your “vitreous humour” through the white portion of your eye called the sclera. There are certain types of drugs injected into the back of your eye viz. Anti-VEGF, steroids, or antibiotics.
Anti-VEGF injection involves having a drug injected into your eye to treat certain retinal conditions that cause abnormal blood vessels to grow and leak under the retina. When aberrant blood vessels bleed or leak fluid behind the retina at the back of the eye, patients with these diseases may lose central vision.
A series of anti-VEGF injections are o limit the growth of these blood vessels and assist manage the leaking. In many cases, this therapy is quite helpful in retaining central vision. Anti-VEGF injections are used to treat diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, uveitis, CME (cystoid macular edema), CNVM (choroidal neovascular membranes), ROP (retinopathy of prematurity), and other eye conditions.
Steroid injections can also be given in the back of the eye in certain conditions of the eye. Although they are effective, they can have additional side effects of increased eye pressure and progression of cataracts in the injected eye.
Antibiotic injections inside of the eye are given in a serious eye condition called Endophthalmitis. This is a potentially sight-threatening eye disease and injections or surgery is indicated on an urgent basis to treat this condition.
Uveitis medical treatment
Uveitis is a difficult condition to cure. Although the majority of the reasons are inflammatory, injections also play a significant influence. Clinical tests are performed to identify a possible reason. Eye drops are usually used in conjunction with systemic (oral or IV) anti-inflammatory and anti-infective medication. Intravitreal or periocular injections are occasionally used to supplement the therapy of retinal eye surgery.
1. Avoid any strenuous activities or exercises for at least 3 weeks after the surgery.
2. Avoid rubbing or pressing on the eye area.
3. Wear sunglasses when going outdoors to protect your eyes from bright light or wind. 4. Use a protective eye shield at night while sleeping.
5. Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding medications and eye drops.
6. To avoid water entering the eye, for up to 4 weeks.
1. Most people experience improved vision within a few weeks of the surgery.
2. In some cases, vision may take up to a few months to improve.
3. It may take up to 6-12 weeks before the eye is fully healed.
4. Follow-up visits with the doctor may be required for further evaluation.
Medications for post-treatment care after retinal detachment surgery
Positioning as directed by the doctor for three days to four weeks, depending on the type of retinal detachment surgery procedure.
- Cycloplege for 1 week.
- Antibiotics every day for two weeks.
- Steroid for 4-6 weeks.
- IOP-lowering medication based on IOP on the postoperative day 1 oral antibiotic + 1 oral steroid, Oral analgesic
Important instructions after retinal detachment surgery
- Avoid eye rubbing.
- Close monitoring
- Use the medicine on time.
- Water spills into the eyes should be avoided.
Follow-up – after retinal detachment surgery
After 1 day, 1 week, and 3 weeks
Recovery from retinal detachment surgery
It might take 2 to 4 weeks to recover after retinal detachment surgery. Each patient has a different recovery and hence the duration required may vary from one to another.
Tests Performed to Diagnose Retina
Green Laser Multi Spot (Jericho)
This multispot green laser photocoagulator system is designed to treat retinal disorder using a single spot and also with different predetermined patterns
- Jericho has been made compatible for all three delivery systems namely integrated laser slit lamp (multisport), laser indirect ophthalmoscope (single spot) and endo ocular probes (single spot)
- High-speed galvanometers enhance rapid pattern delivery
- Accuracy in spacing
- Versatile in performance and compact in design
- Effective touchscreen interface and clear display of parameters
- Wide range of pulse duration from 10 ms – 50ms for available patterns results in less collateral damage

For this procedure, a few medicated drops are put into the eye. This is to dilate the pupil. It examines the optic disc and the back of the eye, the retina. To have a stereoscopic view, one can use a 72 D lens. A computerized scan of the optic disc can also be done.

Galaxy Robot
Galaxy Robot is the Entire system for Vitreo Retinal surgeries. It’s High-speed Bi Blade cutter makes the surgery easy and efficient as the cutter provides to and fro motion double the time of CUTS UP TO 20040 cpm.

Nd Yag (Green) laser
Laser technology has revolutionized many medical fields. In ophthalmology, lasers are used to photocoagulate, cut, remove, shrink, and stretch ocular tissues.
- For treating retinal diseases the most commonly used laser is the green LASER/ retina laser (532nm, double frequency Nd:YAG Laser)
- A LASER is nothing but light with some special properties like being highly focussed and in sync which helps the laser form a sharp point with very high energy levels
- There is a common misconception among patients that in the eye, LASER means correction of numbers and removal of glasses. however, this is far from true
- Different types of lasers are used for treating different eye diseases. Only some LASERs are used for the correction of numbers or the more commonly understood LASIK operation. These LASERS work by changing the shape of the cornea (Photoablation LASER).

Why should I choose Vaidya hospital?
Dr. Harshit Vaidya is a well-qualified eye Retina specialist in Mumbai and has experience with hundreds of complex Retina surgery.
- At Your Service– We offer consultations in the morning, evening, and at weekends to fit in with busy schedules. Appointments are generally available quickly. If you have any questions or issues, please contact us and one of our staff members will be pleased to assist you.
State of art Technology – Advanced lasers, OCT, and surgical systems for retina care. - Individualized Care– We individually help you through your vision correction journey from beginning to end and beyond. Each treatment is tailored to your specific requirements in order for you to experience your full visual potential. We take care of your visual requirements from the moment you first engage with us, all the way through your treatment, and whenever you may need us again in the future.
- Safe environment– Your safety is very important to us, and we are currently doing all we can to guarantee you have a safe and pleasant experience at our hospital. Our operation theater is a safe and best place for any kind of medical procedure. The equipment used in the theater is sterilized and the area is kept clean and sterile. This ensures the highest level of safety and quality for the patient. Appointment hours and seating arrangements have been devised to allow for social distance. Our cleaning regimen is comprehensive, ensuring that all surfaces and equipment in our hospitals are fully sanitized.
- Dedicated Surgery Facilities– Our top surgeon has extensive training and expertise. We undertake surgical procedures in Mumbai that are specifically intended for world-class vision correction procedures.
How long does it take to get an eye exam?
Most eye examinations done by Dr. Harshit Vaidya range between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the tests required by your doctor. The following factors influence the duration of your eye exam:
- Age
- Your medical history
- Your signs and symptoms
How can I schedule an appointment at Vaidya hospital?
CALL NOW to make an appointment with Dr. Harshit Vaidya. Our front desk representative will listen to all of your issues and schedule your first visit with the doctor. Click Here for Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital Direction->
When are the hospital hours?
The Vaidya hospital operates on every weekday including Saturday and Sunday (By appointment).
How long will the appointment last?
The appointment time might vary depending on your eye problem. Initial consultations may take less time. An in-depth examination of your eyes, followed by consultation and suggestions, should take no more than 20-25 minutes.
Our first goal is your safety and comfort. During your session, ask our professionals any questions you have so that you understand the state of your eye health.
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