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Category Archives: Eye treatment

Why Does Reading Gets Tougher with Age

Why Does Reading Gets Tougher with Age

As we get older, vision problems become more common. This is often due to cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and a condition called Presbyopia.

Presbyopia occurs when the lens in our eye undergoes a thickening and loses its flexibility with age. As a result, it becomes more challenging to focus on nearby objects, resulting in blurred vision. Many individuals aged 45 and above encounter difficulties when reading small or fine print. In contrast, those between 18 and 30 typically find it easier to read fine details. Adults in the 45-and-older age group may find that text appears blurry and may rely on contextual clues such as the shape of letters and words for reading. Some even discover that reading without their distance glasses, zooming in on screens, or holding objects at arm’s length can make the reading experience more comfortable.

Signs and Symptoms of Presbyopia:

  • Holding things further to read.
  • Taking off-distance glasses to see up close.
  • Zooming in while reading.
  • Blurry vision at a regular reading distance.
  • Eye strain and headaches after reading or close-up work.
  • Night-time glare and difficulty driving.

Risk factors:

  • You have a higher chance of developing presbyopia if you:
  • Are over 40 years old.
  • Have medical conditions like diabetes, which can lead to early presbyopia in those under 40.
  • Take medications like antidepressants or antihistamines, as they can increase the risk of developing presbyopia.
Normal vision and presbyopia

Can you reverse presbyopia?

Presbyopia cannot be reversed. However, you can consider vision correction options recommended by your eye doctor. These options include special glasses, custom contact lenses, or laser vision correction.


Ways to correct Presbyopia include:


  • Reading glasses with a “+” number for close-up work.
  • Bifocals, which have two lenses: one for distance vision above and one for reading below.
  • Trifocals have three lenses for close-up, middle-distance, and distance vision.
  • Progressive multifocal with no visible lines, offering different powers for various distances.

Lens Replacement:

  • Similar to cataract surgery, it involves exchanging the natural lens for an artificial one. Reading glasses may still be required, depending on your job and lens choice.

For vision correction

ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens):

ICL surgery involves the implantation of a collamer lens, which is a type of phakic intraocular lens, into the eye. This procedure is typically used to correct refractive errors such as myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. Unlike traditional LASIK or PRK, ICL surgery does not involve reshaping the cornea. Instead, the collamer lens is inserted in addition to the eye’s natural lens. This lens provides an additional focusing power, allowing light to be correctly focused on the retina, resulting in improved vision.

ICL surgery is often chosen by individuals who may not be suitable candidates for other refractive procedures. The procedure is known for its rapid recovery time and the potential for enhancing vision with minimal side effects.

PRELEX (Presbyopic Lens Exchange):

PRELEX is a surgical procedure primarily designed to address presbyopia, an age-related vision condition. PRELEX is an elective procedure where the eye’s natural lens is replaced with a multifocal or accommodating intraocular lens (IOL). This artificial lens can provide both near and distance vision, reducing or even eliminating the need for reading glasses or bifocals.

PRELEX is available for individuals over the age of 40 years who want to maintain excellent vision for both close-up and distance tasks, making it a viable option for those who are looking for freedom from presbyopia-related visual challenges. PRELEX surgery has a dual advantage in that patients will not get cataract in future.

For Presbyopia treatment and Vision correction options including the latest PRELEX surgery contact Dr. Deepak Vaidya, a leading Ophthalmologist in Mumbai

Contact us at 9004496621 for appointments.

Visit: Dr Vaidya Eye Hospital 202, 2nd Floor, Lotus Link Square, Andheri Link Rd, above Bank of Baroda, D.N. Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058.

Also Read: Unlocking the Secrets to Sharp Vision: Your Ultimate Guide to When and How to Wear Reading Glasses

Is blue light harmful to your eyes

Is blue light harmful to your eyes?  Decoding the reality around blue eyes

What is Blue Light? 

Blue light is a colour in the light spectrum that you can see (like the colors of the rainbow). The sun is the biggest source of blue light, and there are smaller sources like TVs, certain light bulbs, smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Looking at too much blue light can make your vision blurry, and your eyes tired, and might even lead to eye problems like macular degeneration and cataracts.

How can blue light affect your eyes?

Eye discomfort and dryness: If you spend a lot of time looking at screens, it can strain your eyes and make them dry. This means your eyes might not have enough moisture, either because your tears evaporate quickly or because you forget to blink often. However, this issue is more about screen time in general, not just the blue light.

Macular Degeneration: Too much blue light can harm the cells at the back of your eye and cause vision problems as you get older. Most of this harmful blue light comes from the sun, and scientists are still studying how much smartphones and computers contribute. For Macular Degeneration Treatment in Mumbai, you can visit Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital or book an online appointment with Dr. Harshit  Vaidya.

After Cataract Surgery: If you have cataracts or are getting ready for cataract surgery, it’s a good idea to have a conversation with your eye surgeon about the kind of artificial lens they will use to replace your cloudy natural lens. This decision is important because it can affect your vision and how well you see after the surgery. Your surgeon will guide you in choosing the right lens for your specific requirements and lifestyle, ensuring you have the best post-surgery visual outcome.

How can blue light affect your eyes?

Is it true that all blue light is harmful to us?

Light therapy has found a purpose in treating seasonal affective disorder, a kind of depression that often comes from not getting enough sunlight during certain times of the year.

Getting too much blue light at night can make it hard to sleep and leave you feeling tired during the day. However, during the daytime, it can actually assist in regulating your body’s natural wakefulness and sleep pattern, which is like your body’s built-in alarm clock. So, if you manage your exposure to blue light well, it can be beneficial for your body.

What’s the function of blue light filters?

More and more people are using glasses and coatings that claim to block blue light, but there isn’t strong evidence that they make a big difference when you’re using screens. If you spend a lot of time in the sun, it’s smart to think about getting high-quality sunglasses to protect your eyes from the harmful UV light that can cause eye problems.

Turning on blue light filters on your devices can make your screen more comfortable to look at and might help you sleep better. But scientists are still working to figure out if this truly keeps your eyes safe. Decrease the time you spend on screens and consider investing in a good pair of sunglasses!

What’s the function of blue light filters?

If you are an IT professional or in a job that requires you to have long hours in front of a computer screen, get your eyes examined at least once every 6 months 

Book an appointment today!

Contact us at 9004496621

Visit: Dr Vaidya Eye Hospital 202, 2nd Floor, Lotus Link Square, Andheri Link Rd, above Bank of Baroda, D.N. Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058.

Also Read: How Too Much Screen Time Affects Kids’ Eyes: Tips to Prevent Eye Strain

13 Transformations Your Eyes Undergo as You Age

13 ways your eyes age with you!

As we journey through life, our bodies evolve in various ways, and our eyes are no exception. While it’s true that aging can influence our eyes, it’s important to understand that a decline in vision isn’t an inevitable outcome. Identify the signs that our eyes undergo as we grow older and a few tips to maintain great eye health throughout the aging process.

Common signs of aging eyes

1. Trouble Reading Fine Print: Presbyopia, a common age-related vision issue, typically sets in around the age of 40. This condition can make up-close activities like reading or sewing challenging. Solutions range from reading glasses to specialized contact lenses and refractive surgeries. Excitingly, new eye drop medications are emerging to improve near vision affected by presbyopia.

2. Difficulty Seeing at Night: Our eyes’ ability to adjust to varying light conditions can diminish over time. You might notice that transitioning from a bright environment to a dimly lit room takes a bit longer for your eyes to adapt.

3. Dry Eyes: With age, tear production tends to decrease, leading to discomfort known as dry eye. This condition is particularly prevalent in women experiencing menopause. Consulting with an ophthalmologist is crucial to determine the best dry eye treatment for your specific needs.

4. Objects Blending into Backgrounds: Distinguishing objects from similarly colored backgrounds may become more challenging due to a decrease in contrast sensitivity. Low vision techniques, such as using contrasting colors around your living space, can be beneficial.

5. Spots or Floaters in Your Vision: Aging can cause the vitreous, the gel-like substance in our eyes, to thicken or shrink, resulting in floaters in our field of vision. While usually harmless, a sudden increase in the number of floaters should prompt a discussion with your ophthalmologist.

6. Flashes of Light: Occasional flashes of light in your vision can be a sign of aging, often occurring when the vitreous tugs on the retina. If you notice a sudden increase in the frequency of flashes, consult your eye care specialist.

7. Glare Sensitivity: Some older adults may become more sensitive to glare. Effective strategies to reduce discomfort include adjusting lighting at home, wearing sunglasses with a wide-brimmed hat outdoors, and using matte screen filters on digital devices.

8. Cataracts: Cataracts, which involve the clouding of the eye’s lens, affect approximately half of Indians over the age of 65. It’s important to note that cataracts are often considered an inevitable part of the aging process. Fortunately, cataracts can be surgically treated to restore clear vision.

9. Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): Common among adults over 50, AMD can lead to central vision loss. Early detection is key, and treatment options vary depending on the type of AMD.

10. Glaucoma: While glaucoma can affect people of all ages, it is more common among seniors. Regular eye exams are crucial to detect and manage this disease, which can lead to blindness if left untreated.

11. Diabetic Eye Disease: Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of vision loss among adults with diabetes. Proper management of blood sugar levels is essential in preventing this condition, and various treatment options are available.

How to Protect Your Aging Eyes and Overall Health

12. Health Problems Might Show Up First in Your Eyes: Routine eye exams are not just about vision; they can also reveal underlying health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, vitamin deficiencies, and certain diseases before symptoms manifest. An eye exam may even help identify a senior’s risk for dementia.

13. Plan to Get Your Eyes Checked More Often as You Age: As you age, consider more frequent dilated eye exams to monitor your eye health. The American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that all healthy adults have a baseline eye exam with an ophthalmologist by age 40, with seniors over 65 seeing an ophthalmologist every year.

Understanding the changes that come with aging eyes is the first step in maintaining good vision and overall health as you grow older. By staying proactive with regular eye exams and seeking timely treatment when needed, you can enjoy a clearer view of life’s many wonders well into your golden years.

Don’t wait; prioritize your eye health now. Schedule an eye exam today and invest in a lifetime of healthy eyesight.

Is Virtual Reality Tech Bad for Your Eyes?

Is Virtual Reality Tech Bad for Your Eyes?

In today’s digital age, virtual reality (VR) has caught our attention by offering exciting new experiences that feel like real adventures. But, as we dive into these virtual worlds, it’s important to think about how they might affect our eyes.

In this article, we’ll explore amazing VR devices like OCULUS, VR Headsets, and Playstation VR world and determine if we should worry about how it could influence our eye health.

The Allure of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality has truly opened up some exciting new doors for us. Think about it like this: you can now have fun, learn things, and even find ways to feel better, all through this amazing technology. Imagine stepping into a world that seems completely real, even though it’s all in your head! You can explore all sorts of awesome places or get really good at video games, and it’s all thanks to virtual reality. It’s like having a whole new world at your fingertips!

The Allure of Virtual Reality

The Eyes and Virtual Reality: What’s the Connection?

As much as VR can whisk us away to cool places, we need to think about how it affects our eyes. Using VR for extended periods might lead to a condition known as digital eye strain or computer vision syndrome. This happens when we spend too much time in a VR world and start feeling uncomfortable. Our vision might get a bit blurry, our eyes could feel dry, and we might even get headaches – all the same stuff that happens when we stare at screens for too long. So, while VR is awesome, we need to be careful and take breaks to give our eyes a rest.

Understanding the Potential Impact

The big concern arises from the fact that when we get deeply involved in a VR activity, our eyes go into overdrive. In the real world, our eyes easily adjust their focus as we shift our view between things at different distances. However, in the VR world, the screens show everything at a fixed distance, which means our eyes have to keep focusing at that same point. This constant effort to focus up close can strain the muscles in our eyes that control this focusing, and that’s why we start feeling uncomfortable after a while. It’s like they’re getting a workout, but not in a good way.

Understanding the Potential Impact on eye of VR

Best Practices

Although it’s important to think about how VR might affect our eyes, you don’t have to completely give up on virtual reality. There are some easy things you can do to make sure you enjoy VR without stressing out your eyes too much:

Schedule Routine Eye Checkups: Incorporating routine eye checkups into your VR headset usage routine is essential for maintaining optimal eye health. Regular eye examinations can help identify any changes in your vision, detect early signs of eye strain or other issues, and ensure that your eyes are well-equipped to handle extended periods of VR usage.

Take Regular Breaks: Give your eyes a break every now and then. Just like you stretch your legs during a long movie, take breaks from VR to let your eyes relax.

Adjust VR Settings: Most VR setups have settings you can tweak. Adjust the brightness and font size to make it easy on your eyes.

Lighting Matters: Make sure the room isn’t too bright or too dark. Good lighting can make a big difference in reducing eye strain.

Stay Hydrated: Drink water to keep your eyes from getting dry. It’s a simple way to maintain comfort during VR.

Remember to Blink: Sounds basic, but it helps. Blinking keeps your eyes moisturized, especially important during screen time.

Try Blue Light Filters: Some VR systems offer filters to reduce the blue light. Less blue light means happier eyes.

Comfortable Fit: Wear your VR headset comfortably. If it’s too tight or uncomfortable, it can strain your eyes and head.

20-20-20 Rule: Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This quick break eases eye strain.

Balancing the Experience

In conclusion, while the captivating world of virtual reality holds immense potential, it’s essential to strike a balance between enjoying the immersive experience and safeguarding our eye health. By understanding the potential risks and adopting best practices, you can make the most of your VR adventures without compromising your vision.
And if you’re curious about safeguarding the eyes of our youngest explorers, remember to explore our insightful piece on “How Too Much Screen Time Affects Kids’ Eyes: Tips to Prevent Eye Strain” in our collection of informative blogs.

Remember, a world of virtual exploration awaits – just remember to give your eyes the care they deserve along the way.
Take a step towards healthier eyes today! Schedule your routine eye checkup with Mumbai’s renowned eye specialist, Dr. Deepak Vaidya, at Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital. Your VR experience deserves the best care for your eyes. Contact us now to prioritize your vision’s well-being.

How Too Much Screen Time Affects Kids’ Eyes: Tips to Prevent Eye Strain

How Too Much Screen Time Affects Kids’ Eyes: Tips to Prevent Eye Strain

In a peaceful park, a family gathered for a pleasant outing. The energetic four-year-old grew restless, causing a commotion by running around and complaining. However, in a magical moment, she suddenly became calm and content.
What’s the secret to this change?  Her father had handed her his phone. This common scene unfolds in parks, doctors’ waiting rooms, supermarkets, and public transportation capturing both understanding and sadness.
Many caring parents are unaware of the potential harm screen time can have on their child’s development.

Our lives have been changed, both positively and negatively, by screens. Screens encompass a variety of devices such as televisions, computer monitors, tablets, smartphones, dumb phones, children’s toy computers, Kindles and many more. Electromagnetic radiation in the visual spectrum is emitted by these screens, making them a significant presence in our daily lives. However, the impact of screens on our lives and those of our children is not always beneficial.

Recent reports reveal that approximately 50% of children aged 8 and under possess their own devices. These children spend an average of approximately 2.25 hours each day engaged with digital screens.

Prolonged & excessive screen time can result in eye-related issues.

Here are some of the ways screen time can affect kids’ eyes:

Eye Fatigue

Eye fatigue, also known as asthenopia, occurs when the eyes feel tired, vision becomes dim, and headaches occur. It can happen when children use their eyes too much, especially when they spend a long time looking at screens. Glare on the screen can make the problem worse and strain the eyes even more.

Children who experience eye fatigue may complain of headaches, eye pain, or feeling tired. They may also lose interest in activities like reading.

Dry and Irritated Eyes

When kids spend a lot of time using screens, their eyes can become dry and irritated. Research has found that people, regardless of age, blink less frequently when they’re focused on a screen, leading to dryness in the eyes. Having a clear and stable layer of tears on the surface of the eyes is important for clear vision. This issue can be more problematic for children who have to look up at a screen that is set up for adults.

Loss of focus flexibility

When kids keep their eyes focused on things up close for a long time, it can make it harder for them to see things in the distance. This is usually a temporary issue, and their eyes will adjust back to being able to see things both up close and far away.


Being exposed to natural daylight is really important for their eyes to develop properly. It’s not just about their overall health, but also about their eye health.

Research has shown that children who spend more time indoors are more likely to become nearsighted, which means they have trouble seeing things in the distance. Scientists are still studying exactly how this happens, but they think that UV light (as long as the eyes are protected from strong sunlight) plays a big role in keeping eyes healthy. The number of children with nearsightedness has increased in the past 30 years.

wavelength of light

Does your child need blue-light filtering glasses?

Special glasses that filter blue light emitted from computers and other screens have gained attention, particularly with the increased reliance on online learning during the pandemic. Parents are often curious whether they should include these glasses on their child’s back-to-school supply list. While there is no evidence indicating that blue light is harmful to the eyes, it can impede children’s ability to fall asleep and contribute to eye strain. However, implementing strategies such as turning off screens an hour before bedtime, practicing the 20/20/20 rule, and following other recommended tips can effectively mitigate these issues, without requiring any purchases.

Follow 20-20-20 rules

Help your child practice good eye habits

1. Screen Time Bonding– Whenever possible, try to co-watch with your children. If they are going to spend time in front of screens, the most beneficial approach is to join them and actively participate in the content they are consuming. By watching the same show or playing the same game, you can assist them in comprehending what they are seeing or experiencing. Take note of interesting aspects, raise questions about the plot or characters, and if someone on a show is singing a song, feel free to sing along with your child. 

2. Screen-to-Eye Distance– It is suggested to position screens at least arm’s length away to minimize eye strain. Ensure that the screen is positioned in a way that your child looks slightly down at it, rather than looking up. Implementing the 1-2-10 rule for screen positioning can be helpful: Hold phones approximately 1 foot away, sit around 2 feet away from laptops and desktops, and encourage children to sit approximately 10 feet away from the television.

3. Device-Free Time– Keep bedtime, mealtime, and family time screen-free. Don’t use screens in the car except for long trips, and consider setting a curfew or an agreed-upon time when your family shuts off all screens. Balancing online and offline time is extremely important.

4. Digital Role Modeling– It’s important to be mindful of your own phone usage and set a positive example for your children. Kids tend to imitate the behavior they observe in their parents, especially at a young age when their parents are their primary role models. If they see you constantly engrossed in screens throughout the day, they may perceive that as acceptable and develop a desire to do the same.

5. Vital Three– Emphasize: sleep, healthy nutrition, and exercise. All three are essential to optimal brain growth and development and health and wellness for children and adults alike. And excessive screen time can impact all three. Children who spend more time in front of screens have been shown to eat more fast food and less fruits and vegetables and get less sleep and exercise. Therefore, it is very important to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices as part of the daily routine, as well as limiting screen time.

Keep in mind that children, especially younger ones, may require assistance and gentle reminders to use digital screen devices in a way that is eye-friendly. As a parent, it’s important to be proactive in promoting healthy screen habits.

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Revolutionizing Diabetic Eye Care

Revolutionizing Diabetic Eye Care

Diabetic eye disease is one of the leading causes of blindness which can be prevented in over 90% of cases with early detection. The clinically validated RetinaRisk algorithm empowers patients and doctors alike by accurately calculating the risk of sight-threatening eye disease, while at the same time leading to efficiency and substantial savings in healthcare cost. Risk factors like Hba1c and blood pressure are taken into account.

RetinaRisk, a health-tech company from Iceland, has collaborated with Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai, to develop a new mathematical tool tailored for the Indian population. This tool aims to assess the risk of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy, a severe form of retinopathy that can cause vision loss. By enabling early detection, it has the potential to reduce blindness resulting from diabetes.

Dr. Harshit Vaidya – Retina Specialist attended an inspiring session with a team of RetinaRisk at Sankara Nethralaya, Chennai.

Dr Vaidya eye hospital is among the first users of this algorithm, which holds great promise for the patients. Dr. Rajiv Raman from Sankara Nethralaya helped to get this opportunity. Dr. Harshit Vaidya met the team of RetinaRisk, including their Chairman, Mr. Bala Kamallakharan, and their CEO, Aegir bor Steinarrson.

India, unfortunately, carries the burden of being the world’s Diabetes capital, with approximately 80 million individuals affected by the condition. This puts a significant portion of the population at risk of diabetes-related vision hazards. According to the CDC, 90% of diabetes-related vision loss can be prevented through early detection and treatment. By utilizing this mathematical tool, we can accurately identify individuals at risk of vision loss due to diabetes and refer them to the appropriate eye specialists.


How is patients’ annualized risk determined?

The annualized risk is calculated by a proprietary algorithm based on major, well-established risk factors for the development of sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy. The algorithm has been validated for high predictive accuracy in Icelandic, Danish and Dutch diabetes cohorts.

Is the algorithm applicable to a variety of patient races and ethnicities?

The algorithm has been clinically validated and extensively used in clinical settings in Europe, the United States, Asia and Africa. The extensive clinical validation in Northern European diabetes cohorts of over 25.000 diabetic patients included a variety of races and ethnicities. Our team has also finalized a validation of the RetinaRisk algorithm in an Indian diabetic population, in collaboration with the Sankara Nethralaya Hospital in Chennai, where the RetinaRisk algorithm was again found to be extremely robust.

Normal eye and diabetic retinopathy

What causes diabetic retinopathy?

The longer a person has diabetes, the higher their chances of developing diabetic retinopathy. Prolonged periods of high blood sugar levels cause damage to the small blood vessels in the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is the film at the back of the eye, which receives light images and sends them to your brain. A healthy retina is essential for good vision. These blood vessels initially become leaky and then may become blocked off. The leaky vessels can lead to haemorrhages (spots of bleeding), fluid and exudates (fats) to escape from the blood vessels onto the retina. This may also cause swelling, known as edema of the retina. The blocked vessels can starve the retina of oxygen, leading to the growth of new abnormal vessels from the retina, and damage to the retina due to lack of oxygen. Good control of diabetes by controlling the blood sugar level helps to reduce the chances of developing retinopathy.

What are the symptoms of diabetic retinopathy?

Diabetic retinopathy may be asymptomatic until at an advanced stage and then it is often too late for effective treatment. Therefore, effective management of diabetes and regular eye examinations are imperative. Initially, diabetic retinopathy may cause few or mild symptoms but, as the disease progresses, it can lead to blindness. The main symptoms of diabetic retinopathy are blurred vision, black spots, flashes of light, and holes in your vision. Diabetic retinopathy usually affects both eyes.

Protecting Your Eyes from UV Rays: The Importance of Sunglasses and UV Safety

Protecting Your Eyes from UV Rays: The Importance of Sunglasses and UV Safety

When it comes to sun protection, most people think about sunscreen for their skin, but what about their eyes? The harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can harm eye health. This blog will discuss the importance of wearing sunglasses and practising UV safety to protect your eyes from potential damage.

Understanding UV Rays and Eye Damage

UV rays are invisible radiation emitted by the sun. There are three types: UVA, UVB, and UVC. UVA and UVB rays are the ones that reach the Earth’s surface and can cause damage to our eyes. Prolonged exposure to these rays can lead to various eye conditions, including cataracts, macular degeneration, pterygium (growth on the white part of the eye), and even photokeratitis (cornea sunburn).

The Importance of Sunglasses

Sunglasses serve as a vital tool in protecting our eyes from harmful UV rays. They act as a barrier, blocking and filtering out a significant amount of UV radiation. When choosing sunglasses, look for ones that provide 100% UVA and UVB protection. Additionally, sunglasses with larger frames or wrap-around styles offer better coverage, reducing UV exposure from the sides. Don’t forget about children—protecting their developing eyes from UV damage is crucial, so ensure they wear appropriate sunglasses as well.

The Importance of Sunglasses

UV Safety Practices

Wear sunglasses outdoors: Whenever you step outside during daylight hours, especially in bright sunlight or reflective environments like snow or water, wear your sunglasses to shield your eyes from UV rays.

Check for proper UV protection: Not all sunglasses provide adequate UV protection. Look for labels or stickers that indicate 100% UVA and UVB protection. Consider purchasing sunglasses from reputable brands or consult with an eye care professional for guidance.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat: In addition to sunglasses, wearing a wide-brimmed hat can provide extra shade and further protect your eyes and face from direct sunlight.

Seek shade during peak hours: When the sun is at its strongest, usually between 10 am and 4 pm, seek shade or stay indoors if possible. This reduces your overall exposure to UV rays.

Be mindful of reflective surfaces: UV rays can bounce off surfaces like water, sand, snow, or concrete, increasing your exposure. Take extra precautions when near such surfaces and wear sunglasses to minimize reflected UV rays.

Consider polarized lenses: Polarized lenses not only offer UV protection but also reduce glare, enhancing visual comfort, especially in bright conditions or while participating in outdoor activities like water sports or driving.

Regular eye exams: Routine eye examinations are essential for maintaining healthy eyes. Regular check-ups help detect any potential eye problems early on and allow for timely intervention and treatment.


Protecting your eyes from UV rays is crucial for maintaining good eye health in the long run. By wearing sunglasses that provide 100% UVA and UVB protection, following UV safety practices, and seeking regular eye care, you can safeguard your eyes and enjoy the outdoors with confidence, knowing that you’re taking steps to prevent UV-related eye damage.

Visit Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital for expert advice and comprehensive eye care. Schedule your appointment today to ensure the health and safety of your eyes against UV rays.

Unveiling Dry Eye Syndrome

Unveiling Dry Eye Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatment Methods

Are your eyes regularly itchy, dry, or red? These are common symptoms of dry eye syndrome, a condition that can easily be treated to protect your vision. Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It occurs when the eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears evaporate too quickly. Let us explore the causes, symptoms, and various treatment options available to manage this uncomfortable and irritating condition.

What causes dry eye symptoms?

Several factors contribute to the development of dry eye syndrome. Environmental factors such as dry or windy climates, smoke, and air conditioning can lead to increased tear evaporation. Ageing, hormonal changes, certain medications, and medical conditions like autoimmune disorders and diabetes can also cause dry eye symptoms. Additionally, prolonged use of digital devices and excessive screen time can contribute to dry eyes.

What are the symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

The symptoms of dry eye syndrome can vary from mild to severe and may include dryness, itching, burning or stinging sensation, redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and a feeling of grittiness or foreign body sensation in the eyes. These symptoms can significantly impact daily activities, causing discomfort and affecting vision quality.

Treatment Options for Dry Eye Syndrome

Artificial Tears: Over-the-counter lubricating eye drops, known as artificial tears, are a common initial treatment for dry eye syndrome. They provide temporary relief by adding moisture to the eyes and reducing dryness and irritation. Preservative-free options are recommended for those with frequent use.

Prescription Medications: In some cases, prescription eye drops may be prescribed to manage dry eye symptoms. REFRESH TEARS® provides immediate lubrication and hydration to the eyes, offering temporary relief for mild cases of dryness and associated symptoms. Cyclosporine, known by the brand name Restasis®, an anti-inflammatory medicated eye drop designed for long-term use.

Punctal Plugs: Punctal plugs are tiny devices inserted into the tear ducts to block tear drainage. By keeping tears on the surface of the eyes for a longer duration, punctual plugs help alleviate dry eye symptoms. They are typically a reversible and well-tolerated option.

Lifestyle Changes: Simple lifestyle modifications can also contribute to managing dry eyes. Taking regular breaks during prolonged screen time, ensuring proper hydration, using a humidifier to add moisture to the environment, wearing protective eyewear in windy or dusty conditions, and avoiding exposure to smoke can help reduce symptoms.

Nutritional Supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil supplements, have been shown to help improve dry eye symptoms by reducing inflammation. Including foods rich in omega-3s, such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, in your diet may also be beneficial.

Warm Compresses and Eyelid Hygiene: Applying warm compresses to the eyes can help improve tear production and reduce eyelid inflammation. Additionally, practising good eyelid hygiene by gently cleaning the eyelids can help manage dry eye symptoms.

In-Office Procedures: In some cases, more advanced treatments like intense pulsed light therapy (IPL), and meibomian gland expression, may be recommended by an eye care professional.

What happens If you don’t treat Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome, experienced by millions of individuals, can be bothersome and more than just uncomfortable. It occurs when the eyes lack proper lubrication from tears. However, this condition can also serve as a potential indicator of an underlying health issue. Neglecting treatment for an extended period may result in complications such as infection, inflammation, and damage to the corneas.


Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. By understanding its causes, recognizing the symptoms, and exploring the available treatment options, individuals can effectively manage dry eyes and find relief from the discomfort associated with this condition. Consultation with an eye care professional is essential for proper diagnosis and personalized treatment recommendations.
Seeking relief from dry eyes? Trust the experts at Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital for specialized care and effective treatment options. Book your consultation today to start your journey towards comfortable and healthy eyes.

amsler's grid eye condition

Protect Your Precious Sight: Monitor Your Central Vision with Amsler’s Grid!

Amsler’s grid is a simple yet effective tool used to detect and monitor changes in central vision. With its grid of lines and central dots, it’s a quick and easy way to screen for vision problems related to macular degeneration, allowing for early detection and treatment.

For what eye conditions are Amsler’s grid used?

Amsler’s grid is primarily used to screen for vision problems related to macular degeneration, a condition that affects the macula, the central part of the retina responsible for detailed vision.

Macular degeneration can cause changes in central vision, such as distorted or missing lines, or dark or blank spots in the visual field. Amsler’s grid can also be used to monitor other conditions that affect central vision, such as diabetic retinopathy or macular edema.

How to use Amsler’s grid?

  • To use Amsler’s grid, you should follow these steps:
  • Place the grid at a fixed distance from your eyes, typically about 14 inches (35 centimetres).
  • Cover one eye and focus on the central dot in the grid with the uncovered eye.
  • While looking at the central dot, observe the lines of the grid to check for any distortion, missing or wavy lines, or dark or blank spots.
  • Repeat the process with the other eye.
  • If you notice any changes in the lines or dots of the grid or experience any other visual disturbances, contact an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam.
  • It is important to note that Amsler’s grid is not a substitute for a professional eye exam and should only be used as a screening tool for detecting changes in central vision.

DO’s and DON’Ts while using Amsler’s grid?

Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind when using Amsler’s grid:


  • Use Amsler’s grid in a well-lit area to ensure accurate testing of your central vision.
  • Position the grid at a fixed distance from your eyes to ensure consistent testing.
  • Cover one eye at a time to get an accurate assessment of each eye’s central vision.
  • Use any corrective lenses you normally use during the test.
  • Contact an eye doctor for a comprehensive eye exam if you notice any changes in the lines or dots of the grid or experience any other visual disturbances.
  • Use Amsler’s grid regularly as a screening tool to monitor changes in central vision and detect vision problems early.


  • Do not rely solely on Amsler’s grid for diagnosing or monitoring eye conditions. It should be used in conjunction with regular eye exams by a qualified eye care professional.
  • Do not use a damaged or dirty grid, as it may lead to inaccurate test results.
  • Do not use Amsler’s grid in a dimly lit area, as this may affect the accuracy of the test.
  • By following these dos and don’ts, you can ensure that you get the most accurate and reliable results when using Amsler’s grid to monitor your central vision.

Amsler’s grid is a tool used to monitor changes in central vision and detect vision problems early, especially those related to macular degeneration.

By regularly using Amsler’s grid, people with vision problems can track any changes in their vision and seek timely medical intervention to prevent or slow down vision loss. It is important to follow the precautions, dos, and don’ts when using Amsler’s grid to ensure accurate and reliable test results.

Additionally, it is important to note that Amsler’s grid is not a substitute for a professional eye exam and anyone experiencing changes in their vision should see an eye doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

For exceptional eye care services, visit Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital situated in Andheri West, Mumbai. Our team of proficient ophthalmologists guarantees optimal treatment results.

Unlocking the Secrets to Sharp Vision

Unlocking the Secrets to Sharp Vision: Your Ultimate Guide to When and How to Wear Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are an essential tool for individuals who experience difficulty seeing up close, especially while reading. It’s worth noting that even individuals with perfect distance vision may need reading glasses to avoid eye strain.

How are reading glasses beneficial?

Reading glasses serve as a solution for individuals who struggle with near vision, especially when reading or working on a computer, due to presbyopia due to a decrease in flexibility of their eye muscles, which typically occurs between the age of 40-50 yrs.

This change can make it challenging for individuals to shift focus between near and far vision. Those who enjoy reading may find it difficult to read smaller prints for an extended period without experiencing eye strain. However, prescription reading glasses can improve the ability to focus on the smaller text without causing any strain on the eyes.

These glasses are tailored to an individual’s specific vision needs, facilitating eye muscle movement and providing a clear vision for small text.

Can wearing reading glasses cause any issues if you have good distance vision?

Reading glasses are primarily worn to enhance near vision and are commonly used by individuals who spend a lot of time reading to reduce strain on their eyes.

If you find yourself struggling to focus on something up close for an extended period, you may also benefit from using reading glasses.

Wearing reading glasses will not harm your eyes even if you have perfect distance vision. However, you may initially experience dizziness when wearing reading glasses, as your eyes may not be accustomed to magnified vision.

Is it true that wearing reading glasses can lead to a decrease in your vision?

No, some individuals worry that wearing reading glasses could harm their vision by weakening their eye muscles. They fear that when they wear glasses, the small prints appear clear, but once they remove the glasses, the same text appears fuzzy. These concerns are particularly common among people in their mid-40s who experience age-related vision changes.

However, avoiding the use of reading glasses due to these fears can lead to persistent vision problems that may require corrective measures. In reality, wearing reading glasses with the correct prescription can improve your vision and does not cause any harm to your eyes.

What are the guidelines for wearing reading glasses?

To improve your vision when reading, it is important to keep a few things in mind before wearing reading glasses:

Reading glasses are available in two variants- custom-made glasses and ready-made glasses.

  1. Ready-made glasses are the ones readily available off the shelf. Always make sure they comply with all your prescriptions and eye requirements when buying ready-made glasses. Generally, ready-made glasses are good to go for a single issue, but if you are looking for a combination glass or have specific detailing in mind, then you must go for custom-made glasses.
  1. Custom-made glasses are the ones you get made or order that take care of all your prescription requirements. There may be issues like astigmatism, presbyopia, myopia, and custom-made glasses are the best option. Custom-made eyeglasses can be fitted with both multifocal and progressive lenses if necessary.

What is the lowest power of reading glasses?

The lowest power of reading glasses is plus 1 diopter. The power goes up in increments of 0.25. The maximum power goes up to 3.5. If you need a power higher than 3.5, you must consult a doctor.

Can you wear reading glasses all day?

Yes, reading glasses can be worn all day long. In fact, it is prescribed by doctors to wear your reading glasses most of the time. The only thing to consider is that you must feel comfortable wearing your eyeglasses day long.

Reading glasses are helpful in improving the clarity of smaller text and providing a comfortable view. Even if you have perfect 20/20 vision, wearing reading glasses can make it easier to focus on close work tasks. However, it may take some time for your eyes to adjust to wearing glasses for the first time, and you may experience initial discomfort.

It is also important to have the correct prescription for your reading glasses. While ready-made glasses are available, they may not be tailored to your specific vision needs. It is best to consult with an ophthalmologist to get a proper prescription for your reading glasses.

Dr. Vaidya Eye Hospital located in Andheri West, Mumbai provides superior eye care services. Our team of skilled and experienced ophthalmologists ensure excellent treatment outcomes.

Schedule an appointment with us to experience the best eye hospital in Andheri West, Mumbai.